The Goffs Oak Lodge GP Committee
At the June 2024 GP committee meeting it was agreed to move the regular committee date from the second Monday following each Lodge meeting to the first LoI evening after each Lodge meeting.
The Lodge General Purposes Committee meets at Halsey Masonic Centre. From June 2024 it will now meet on the first Lodge of Instruction evening following each regular Lodge meeting.
The committee membership is defined in the Lodge by-laws and includes the Worshipful Master, his Wardens, Past Masters of and in the Lodge, and two members appointed at the September Lodge meeting to represent the interests of the other members of the Lodge.
The committee advises the Worshipful Master on a number of matters, including setting the agenda for the next regular Lodge meeting, and assists him when interviewing prospective candidates for Freemasonry.
The meeting date for the next committee meeting is:
Friday, 14th March 2025